Marigold 2.4.0 - New Features

Welcome to Marigold 2.4.0, the latest release with hot new features to keep your workflows moving.

This release includes a major overhaul of the geotiff exporting service to allow users to integrate their exploration datasets quickly and efficiently. Additionally you will find legend improvements and various efficiency upgrades.

Geotiff Export

Marigold allows users to export derived raster products as Geotiff files that easily integrate with external GIS software such as ArcGIS Pro or QGIS. These exports are tiled with a .vrt service to make them load quickly at any zoom scale. 

While stable in most circumstances, previous versions of this tool had some limitations when approaching the 10GB export size limit, or in unique situations with complex derived products. Newly imposed changes in version 2.4.0 have overhauled the geotiff exporting tool to ensure that exports are stable and compatible for anything you want to export from Marigold. Additionally, you'll find these changes have significantly improved the speed that the exports are prepared and made ready for downloading. 

Happy Exporting!

Legend Changes

Visualizing the legend for a product can be very useful in your analysis of results, especially when working in RGB space, such as a TRatio result showing a vibrant spectrum of colors for three mineral mapping results. 

Changes implemented in this version of Marigold provide better handling for the state of a legend on the map window. Now, a legend's visiblity is tied to the visibility of the layer itself and will toggle on and off with the layer.