Procurement Charts

Data Displayed

The Procurement Charts provide a visual representation of the historical purchasing recommendations for a specific Quota Period. They also summarize how the strategy has performed for the Quota Period relative to a benchmark. The following series are displayed in the Procurement Charts: 

  • Realized Price: The actual historical Close price for the contract shown on the chart. Shown as a solid black line. 
  • Forecast Price (and Trajectory): The forecasted price for the contract. Shown as a solid blue line (trajectory) with blue markers (price forecasts). 
  • Benchmark Price: The average price that would have been realized on purchases of the specified contract if the quota had been filled using the Benchmark Strategy. Shown as a solid dark blue horizontal line. 
  • Strategy Price: The price that would have been realized on purchases of the specified contract if the quota had been filled using the recommended purchases. Show as a solid pink horizontal line. 
  • Historical Purchases: The date(s) on which purchases of the specified contract were recommended for the Quota Period. 


Quota Period & Metrics

Use the dropdown menu at the top-left of the Procurement Chart to select a specific Quota Period for display on the chart (see below). 

For any Quota Period selected, the top of the chart displays associated information and metrics, including:

  • The Quota Period, which is generally a one-month long period that occurs in the future. E.g. August 2024. 
  • The contract that is being purchased to fill quota in the Quota Period. This is generally a back month contract that has an expiration date near the end of the Quota Period. E.g. ZCU24 (Sep '24 contract). 
  • The Savings that have resulted from the purchasing recommendations for the Quota Period. Savings are defined as the percent difference between the Strategy Price and the Benchmark Price. E.g. 18.48%.